华为的img的镜像怎么用啊华为Ar1000我下载的镜像是img格式的 EVE Image Name Downloaded image Version vCPU RAM HDD Format Console Interfaces
huaweiar1k-5.170 var_allinone.img 5.170 1 2048 hda vnc virtio 6
Other versions should also be supported following bellow’s procedure.
This how to is tested for image version Huawei AR1000v-5.170
1. SSH to EVE and login as root, from cli and create image directory:
mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/huaweiar1k-5.170
2. Upload thevar_allinone.img image to the EVE /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/huaweiar1k-5.170/ using, for example, FileZilla or WinSCP.
3. From cli go to created directory:
cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/huaweiar1k-5.170/
4. Rename source original filename to virtioa.qcow2:
mv var_allinone.img hda.qcow2
5. Fix permissions
/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
我来了:lol:lol 可以参照EVE-NG 官网配置即可,都是可以转换的 感谢感谢 ar1000v的img镜像可以给我一个吗 谢谢你分享